A proven, structured programme tailored to you and your goals. You'll work with a coach to ensure each session counts. You'll have access to unlimited classes. Your performance is monitored.
fit8 life prescriptive exercise
CONSISTENT and CORRECT exercise is key to improving and maintaining a healthy strong body, injury free and reducing risk of any further injury or relapses. Prescriptive exercise is all about functionality and progression to optimise your body.
fit8 life is right for you
A monthly membership that works for you. As part of your prescriptive exercise programme you have free access to triage physiotherapy, you will also receive regular full movement screenings which tell us everything we need to know about how your body moves and what the best approach to exercise and injury prevention and management would be.
The information we gain from the Movement Screening is invaluable to YOU, to US and also to other practitioners you may be working with.
In this screening, we look at the four pillars of movement
A formula created to identify
The Movement Screening, analysis and prescriptive exercise programme ensure you are progressing and are on track with the changes and adaptations your body is making. The more often you exercise the more often adaptations will be made; so it’s important to keep up to speed with your own body.
Throughout your “fit8 life journey” the scale of treatment and the scale of exercise is appropriate and tailored to you. With us it’s all about quality and communication; making sure everybody on our team is talking about you and what you are doing.
i am ready!